Welcome to August’s offering – Alternate Behaviour Support Statements
I have recently come to realise I dislike the statement “use your words“….
I started to think if a child knew which words to use… wouldn’t they use them? By saying this to children are we in fact showing we do not really understand their perspective, where they are developmentally? Do we actually think this statement supports the development of self-regulation?
So over several weeks of reflecting on this statement and wondering why in the world I ever used it… I started to think about other “statements” we use… almost tokenistic, robotic… probably never really thought about or reflected on…
So, I have come up with a list of “those statements” and alternates in an effort to get us reflecting and using phrases that support problem-solving and self regulation. It is by no means exhaustive, but a starting point!
To download the FREE customisable word doc please click on this link: Alternate Behaviour support statements
These are the kind of tools you receive in my in-house or online Professional Development sessions such as “Understanding & Celebrating Behaviour”and “Understanding Behaviour in OOSH” and “Supporting the Rights of the Child”
If you would like further information on any of my PD sessions please go to https://earlyyearstraining.com.au/workshops/staffpd/ or please feel free to email me: kirsty@earlyyearstraining.com.au
Regards, Kirsty