Research has shown that there are increasing number of children under the age of 5 years who are experiencing anxiety disorders and depression. During this session, we will explore the concept of "well-being" and how all aspects of our lives influence and affect this and how this links to the EYLF. We will discuss the importance of our … [Read more...]
Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-Being
Research has shown that there are increasing number of children under the age of 5 years who are experiencing anxiety disorders and depression. During this session, we will explore the concept of "well-being" and how all aspects of our lives influence and affect this and how this links to the EYLF. We will discuss the importance of … [Read more...]
FREE Webinar – Supporting Educator’s & Children’s Well-Being during times of crisis
Thank you for your interest in my free webinar. I have developed this webinar as I place great value on well-being for children and myself. During this uncertain "COVID-19" time it is now, more than ever important to look after our well-being, to create new rituals, celebrate what we can control and re-frame our thoughts. So I hope you enjoy … [Read more...]
Resilience… where has it gone?
"Children just aren't resilient these days" is a common statement I hear a lot lately.... and it makes me wonder... Considering that some children will naturally be more resilient than others because of their temperament and genetics... (these are those children who can get on with it even after disappointment). However what about those children … [Read more...]
Attachment, Security & Well-Being
It is troubling to constantly hear educators share their concerns about children's behaviour, separation anxieties and lack of confidence to take risks or engage with others in play. When these concerns are explored further it becomes evident that children are experiencing various levels of anxiety and it appears to be increasing. There are many … [Read more...]