So what does “sense of agency” actually mean? Children spend considerable time in child care environments where they experience an array of experiences, resources and relationships, all of which influence their sense of self, how their view themselves and others and they respond to their environment. How we, as educators view the child will … [Read more...]
Resilience… where has it gone?
"Children just aren't resilient these days" is a common statement I hear a lot lately.... and it makes me wonder... Considering that some children will naturally be more resilient than others because of their temperament and genetics... (these are those children who can get on with it even after disappointment). However what about those children … [Read more...]
Becoming a Critical Reflector
We all “reflect” in various ways such as in our children’s portfolios and documentation, daily curriculum reflections, staff meetings, staff appraisals… National Quality Standard, Quality Area 1.2.3 states critical reflection on children's learning and development, both as individuals and in groups, is regularly used to implement the program. … [Read more...]
COURSE SPECIAL: Early Childhood Education
Being an Early Childhood Educator is one of the most rewarding, challenging, exciting and inspiring careers. You are responsible for the most critical years of development including attachment, morals and values as well as identity. Working in partnership with families to not only care for and nurture their children, but to provide an environment … [Read more...]
Educating Families about the Importance of Play
We often have families request more "educational" type experiences such as rote learning number, writing and stencil work in early childhood settings as these are believed to prepare their child for school. We may also hear comments such as "they are just playing..." "they just run around"... While as educators we can be left feeling frustrated … [Read more...]
What Messages do your Meal Times send to Children?
Picture this... Sophie is 4 years old. She is asked to sit at the table for lunch… it is tuna bake today. Sophie really dislikes tuna and they never eat it at home… as Dad dislikes it too! Sophie is best friends with Ava and they love to chat over lunch, however they are always placed at different tables because they talk too much. Sophie … [Read more...]