"Children just aren't resilient these days" is a common statement I hear a lot lately.... and it makes me wonder... Considering that some children will naturally be more resilient than others because of their temperament and genetics... (these are those children who can get on with it even after disappointment). However what about those children … [Read more...]
Supporting Literacy in young children
From birth children are developing the knowledge and skills that are important foundations for later literacy development, even though it may be some time before they will develop the skills to read, write and verbally communicate in the conventional way. As educators we need to support the development of children’s emerging literacy skills through … [Read more...]
Becoming a Critical Reflector
We all “reflect” in various ways such as in our children’s portfolios and documentation, daily curriculum reflections, staff meetings, staff appraisals… National Quality Standard, Quality Area 1.2.3 states critical reflection on children's learning and development, both as individuals and in groups, is regularly used to implement the program. … [Read more...]
COURSE SPECIAL: Early Childhood Education
Being an Early Childhood Educator is one of the most rewarding, challenging, exciting and inspiring careers. You are responsible for the most critical years of development including attachment, morals and values as well as identity. Working in partnership with families to not only care for and nurture their children, but to provide an environment … [Read more...]
Planning for Infants
In a time where projects, curriculum webs and planning for children's interests consumes much of our planning time and conversations I often have educators ask "but how do we do this for the under 2's?" We often say.. "planning for the under 2's is the same as older ages... we still follow their interests and needs"... but for the most part this … [Read more...]
“Being” Outside…. so much more that outdoor play!
It was only just yesterday my daughter and I quietly sat outside in the afternoon sun and watched fine cobwebs sway in the breeze and small insects buzz about us. We had just finished throwing the ball for our dog and picked new lemons off the lemon tree. Â As we sat I made the comment "I love this time of day" and my daughter responded "i just love … [Read more...]