So, of course I cannot do 24 Sustainability posts without touching on “economic sustainability” and while we are all very aware of this and most of us do these every day.. it is definitely worth considering these green initiatives so they are part of our everyday practices.
So let’s see how the following can help save power & costs;
Use clothes line or small clothes racks when weather permits instead of the dryer. Children can also help hang out washing and discuss power saving practices.
This practice will SAVE 18,900 KWh / year!
Turn off lights and air conditioning when not in use. Opt for natural lighting and cooling where possible
This practice will SAVE 512 KWh / year
If possible, have separate air conditioning controls for each room- we know that the infants room may not be as cool as the preschool room!
This practice can SAVE 135 KWh / year
Switch to more efficient light bulbs- not only power saving but much nicer lighting effects!
This practice can SAVE 132 KWh / year
Turn off equipment daily such as printers computers, lights
This will have HUGE energy savings across the year
Have “ECO Monitors” encouraging children to be aware of and monitor energy usage.
See printable: Eco Monitor
So, yes, these are straight forward and hopefully being carried out daily… but I encourage you to talk about these practices and why they are important.
What are the ethical reasons for these?
How do they help our environment and support green initiatives as well as economic sustainability?
For these simple daily practices to mean something we, and children need to understand their importance!
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