So. I love coffee, like most of us and while I usually buy this from my local cafe each morning I may also make one at home with my coffee pod machine….but did you know that each little coffee pod takes 500 years or more to break down?
To be sustainable and make conscious choices, I do chose biodegradable pods and I also try to re-use these pods where possible enabling me to have conversations with children about biodegradable products, rubbish & recycling, landfill and our environment.
So what can we do with these little coffee pods? here are some ideas;
While I am not a fan of teacher directed art experiences, you get the idea… they can be used as part of your art/ craft resources… whether it be Christmas decorations or any other creation with boxes, paper, tubes and so on!
I really like this idea… using coffee pods to house fairy lights…
use coffee pods to create flower / nature sensory ice play… a great way to make the connection between  recycling and nature.. .
Love this… use coffee pods as small herb planters…
They could even be used as moulds for small ice block treats…
They could even be used as part of play doh, sand play, construction area, art trolley and in your home corner…. the possibilities are endless for these tiny environmental monsters!
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