Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-Being

Research has shown that there are increasing number of children under the age of 5 years who are experiencing anxiety disorders and depression.
During this session, we will explore the concept of “well-being” and how all aspects of our lives influence and affect this and how this links to the EYLF.
We will discuss the importance of our interactions with children, how we can support their learning and emotional well-being. Practical strategies will be shared that nurture self-concept, confidence and resilience.
This is a great webinar for educators working with young children aged 0-6 years who experience anxiety, lack confidence or transitioning into care / between rooms. It is also especially relevant during these times as we try to manage our changing routines in response to COVID

Book 3-5 educators and receive 10% off- use discount code EDUCATOR3 at the checkout

Book 6+ educators and receive 20% off- use discount code EDUCATOR6 at the checkout

Sold out!


Jul 05 2021


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


QR Code