Picture this... Sophie is 4 years old. She is asked to sit at the table for lunch… it is tuna bake today. Sophie really dislikes tuna and they never eat it at home… as Dad dislikes it too! Sophie is best friends with Ava and they love to chat over lunch, however they are always placed at different tables because they talk too much. Sophie … [Read more...]
Separation Anxiety may be just around the corner!
As we wind down in preparation for end of year.... some of us may anticipate what the beginning of 2018 holds for children and families new to our services or even changing rooms and educators. Entering into a new child care arrangement can be an emotional experience for both parent and child. However, careful planning, and the knowledge that … [Read more...]
Supporting Literacy
Supporting Literacy development From birth children are developing the knowledge and skills that are important foundations for later literacy development, even though it may be some time before they will develop the skills to read, write and verbally communicate in the conventional way. As educators we need to support the development of … [Read more...]
Loose Parts Play
Loose Parts Play has become extremely popular and rightly so, considering it's great benefits! However what I really love most about this play is that it is easy and affordable to implement! I have gathered photos of examples of loose parts play and how you can use recycled items as well as items from nature. Not only is this play great for … [Read more...]
Christmas Celebrations in Children’s Services
If I asked you ... "how do you celebrate Christmas?" What would your answer be... Do you celebrate Christmas? Or maybe your family celebrates other celebrations? Is Santa, Christmas Trees and baby Jesus relevant to your celebrations? Some of you would have yes, while others would have said no! So, how can we ensure that Christmas in … [Read more...]
Superhero Play – Chaotic or Creative?
We often tell families about the importance and outcomes of play. However we often think negatively about Superhero play, we re-direct and ask children, in so many words, to engage in “real” play. But have you ever seriously considered and reflected on the importance and significance of children’s Superhero play? I have fond memories of taking … [Read more...]
Does the Weather control your Play?
We all know time outside enjoying fresh air and sunshine is important for children and has many health benefits, however why do we stop outside play when it gets cold or when the sun disappears? There are many “myths” around the weather such as playing in the cold will give you a cold…in actual fact this is not true! You need to come in contact … [Read more...]
Fostering a “Sense of Agency”
So what does “sense of agency” actually mean? Children spend considerable time in child care environments where they experience an array of experiences, resources and relationships, all of which influence their sense of self, how their view themselves and others and they respond to their environment. How we, as educators view the child will … [Read more...]
Social Sustainability in Early Childhood – are you happy?
We talk a lot about "sustainability" in our early childhood settings and I think for the most part we are doing environmental sustainability well. However we often focus so much on this and fail to discuss "social sustainability". Social Sustainability is probably the least defined and least understood of all the different ways of approaching … [Read more...]
Resilience… where has it gone?
"Children just aren't resilient these days" is a common statement I hear a lot lately.... and it makes me wonder... Considering that some children will naturally be more resilient than others because of their temperament and genetics... (these are those children who can get on with it even after disappointment). However what about those children … [Read more...]